Guixot de 8: the first company in the state and probably in the world that makes the game a street show!
It is the first one that does it with original games, of own manufacture
and constructed with recovered materials.
Guixot de 8 is the first Catalan company and in Spanish that turns the game into a street performance. He does so by collecting the witness of the popular games and of cucana so ingrained in our country and, also, one of the first companies of Europe that takes games by streets and squares.
But it is the first that does it with original games, of own manufacture and constructed with materials recovered, first, coming from the ragpicker and, later, of the clean points of the Mancomunidad la Plana.
Our games
More than 12 different game collections have played and excited
thousands of girls, boys, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandparents and people of all ages and conditions.
In the games of our beloved and very faithful Guixot of 8 of Catalonia, the life of all our spectators is more fun, and with no age limit.
In games there are only boys and girls of different heights.
Congratulations for this project that despite shooting years ago, just last Saturday you managed to surprise a few more people again.
Joan, you know they copied you a lot ... But your games have a soul.
Julio Michel
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